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SSRI and SNRI withdrawal symptoms reported on an internet forum. (2018)

2018;29(3-4):175-180. doi: 10.3233/JRS-180018.

SSRI and SNRI withdrawal symptoms reported on an internet forum.

Author information
1 NELFT NHS Foundation Trust, Division of Psychiatry, University College London, UK.
2 Northampton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Northampton, UK.
3 Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK.
4 Division of Psychiatry, University College London, UK.



Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms are well-recognised, but their potential duration remains uncertain.


We aimed to describe the characteristics of withdrawal associated with two popular classes of antidepressants, including duration.


We analysed the content of a sample of posts on an antidepressant withdrawal website. We compared the characteristics of withdrawal associated with SSRIs and SNRIs, including time of onset, duration and nature of symptoms.


110 posts about SSRI withdrawal, and 63 concerning SNRI withdrawal, were analysed. The mean duration of withdrawal symptoms was significantly longer with SSRIs than SNRIs: 90.5 weeks (standard deviation, SD, 150.0) and 50.8 weeks (SD 76.0) respectively; p = 0.043). Neurological symptoms, such as 'brain zaps,' were more common among SNRI users (p = 0.023). Psychosexual/genitourinary symptoms may be more common among SSRI users (p = 0.054).


The website aims to help people with antidepressant withdrawal, and is therefore likely to attract people who have difficulties. Length of prior use of antidepressants was long, with a mean of 252.2 weeks (SD 250.8).


People accessing antidepressant withdrawal websites report experiencing protracted withdrawal symptoms. There are some differences in the characteristics of withdrawal associated with different classes of antidepressants.


Antidepressant; SNRI; SSRI; antidepressant withdrawal; online report
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

FULL TEXT:https://joannamoncrieff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/antidepressant_withdrawal.pdf