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Post-serotonine selective reuptake inhibitors persistent sexual dysfunction after serotonine selective reuptake inhibitors treatment: A case report after stopping paroxetine (2017)

Disfunción sexual persistente tras el tratamiento con inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina: a propósito de un caso tras la retirada de paroxetina

Post-serotonine selective reuptake inhibitors persistent sexual dysfunction after serotonine selective reuptake inhibitors treatment: A case report after stopping paroxetine

Omar Walid Muquebil Ali Al Shaban Rodríguez a,
Enrique Álvarez de Morales Gómez-Moreno b
Jennifer Fernández Fernández a
Carmen Fresno García c
María del Mar Fernández Fernández a

a Centro de Salud Mental de Luarca, Luarca, Asturias, España
b Centro de Salud Mental IV, Gijón, Asturias, España
c Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Salud Mental de Asturias, Oviedo, Asturias, España
Recibido 09 mayo 2017, Aceptado 17 mayo 2017


Recent evidence suggests that the sexual dysfunction that often appears during treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) persists in some patients after stopping the treatment. A clinical case is presented that suggests a high probability having a causal relationship to the withdrawal of paroxetine according to the criteria suggested by Ben-Sheetrit et al. In the article ‘Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction’: a young male with no concurrent physical illness, with no drug treatments or use of toxic substances (except for very moderate and occasional consumption of alcohol), and free of affective symptoms at the present moment that could better explain the presence of sexual dysfunction. Twelve weeks after withdrawal of paroxetine, there was a persistent decrease in libido and moderate difficulties in maintaining erection. The increasing interest in the evaluation of sexual dysfunction secondary to antidepressants, and the commitment on the sexual sphere of our patients, facilitates the identification of cases.

LINK:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317963753_Disfuncion_sexual_persistente_tras_el_tratamiento_con_inhibidores_selectivos_de_la_recaptacion_de_serotonina_a_proposito_de_un_caso_tras_la_retirada_de_paroxetina
