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Questionario di ricerca sulla Sindrome da sospensione di antidepressivi dall'University of California, Irvine Medical Center

Sono in corso alcune ricerche sulla sindrome da sospensione di antidepressivi da un gruppo con sede in California. Uno dei ricercatori ha cercato direttamente un gruppo di pazienti affetti da PSSD per richiedere la partecipazione. Il questionario è in inglese. La fine di questo sondaggio ti offre uno spazio per scrivere con parole tue. Partecipa se non l'hai già fatto:


You are invited to take part voluntarily in an online clinical research survey. Before you decide whether to participate, please consider the following:


The purpose of this project is to identify the nature and severity of withdrawal symptoms occurring when stopping serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), by collecting data from individuals who have experienced SRI withdrawal. We hope that this data will inform better metrics for identifying antidepressant withdrawal and ultimately, better treatment approaches.


We invite you to participate in this voluntary study if you:
(1) Are age 18-65
(2) Have experienced withdrawal symptoms after stopping treatment with an SRI (e.g. fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, venlafaxine, duloxetine, desvenlafaxine, vilazodone or vortioxetine)
(3) Took this SRI consistently for at least 4 weeks prior to stopping treatment


Bryan Shapiro, MD MPH (Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UC Irvine Medical Center)
Adrian Preda, MD (Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UC Irvine Medical Center).

This project has received no funding from any source.


Participating in this study involves answering an anonymous online survey about your experiences before and while experiencing SRI withdrawal. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. No e-email address or other contact will be recorded or collected. Only basic demographics (age, sex, continent of residence) and relevant medical and psychiatric history will be requested.


Answering some of the questions may cause some participants emotional distress and suicidality before and during the withdrawal process. You may exit the survey at any time in the event you experience distress. If you experience acutely worsening suicidality while completing the study, we recommend that you reach out immediately to a care provider or to an emergency response team.
After reading the presented description of the study and potential risks, you provide implied consent to participate in this study by continuing with the survey and completing the survey items. You can stop participating in the survey at any time, for any reason. However, once you have submitted your completed survey, you will be unable to withdraw from the study as your responses are anonymous.

The anonymized data we collect will be stored on a password protected computer. Initially, the data will be stored in Google Forms within a password protected email account. After adequate data has been collected, the data will be exported to Microsoft Excel on a password protected computer and subsequently be analyzed with STATA statistical software. The analyzed data will be presented in a manuscript which will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and if accepted for publication, made available to the general public.

For general study questions, please contact Bryan Shapiro, MD at bryan.shapiro@uci.edu

A post on Reddit by BryanShapiroMD inviting people to participate in the research:

I'm a clinical professor at UC Irvine Medical Center in California conducting research on antidepressant withdrawal. We're working on a project to better identify and treat SRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor) withdrawal. If you've experienced withdrawal with an SRI, we would be very appreciative if you could fill out this survey and share your experience. It should take no more than 10 minutes, but would be very informative for us.